Sunday, June 9, 2013

Every Boy's Got One

Meg Cabot really does have a way with words (who doesn't love the Princess Diaries?...yes, it is a book, not just a movie).  I was a bit hesitant to read this book as I don't always love the too girly, mundane teen chic lit; however, it was enjoyable.  Written from the perspective of two travel journals and email messages, the story tracks a couple on their elopement to Italy which was based on Meg's own elopement story.  At the end of the book, she shares her fabrications and non-fabrications with the reader.  Perhaps I am just a book worm, but it was fun to read how she developed the story.

Once again, it is a young adult book although there are a few aspects that the younger end of the spectrum might not want to be exposed to.  Don't be fooled by her Princess Diaries reputation...she is fully capable of making the book PG-17.

“Why can't you just get married in Las Vegas like normal Americans?”

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Cassia is a beautiful name

One of my favorite aspects of Matched by Ally Condie was her names.  I love the name Cassia; it is so beautiful.  Of course, it doesn't have the symbolic reference like Katniss and Rue in Hunger Games *note the sarcasm here...of course, I know it is a plant*, but it just sounds pretty when it is read aloud.

As for the book, it is a really slow start (I am talking 100 pages here).  Just endure those 100 pages, and you will be addicted.  Cassia lives in a society where the government dictates everything from meal portions to jobs to life and death.  There is no freedom of choice in hopes of creating equality for all citizens.  Cassia is matched with her best friend...this should be every girl's dream...but Cassia has a hope that perhaps she can one day choose her own match.

21 RC points