Just like health and fitness goals, career goals, and life goals, we must have reading goals. As an English teacher, I am constantly exposed to books, and I read more than I probably want to admit. However, all that reading isn't always the books that I want to be reading (although I usually enjoy them). We must challenge our minds just as we challenge our bodies and bank accounts. Thanks to the Modern Mrs. Darcy, one of my favorite reading blogs, I was enlightened by this reading challenge. Although the goal would be to read one book a month, realistically, I know that I will probably read seven of them in the summer. Either way...challenge accepted.
Book #1 - A book you've been meaning to read - Matched.
Book #2 - A book you can finish in one day - The Thing about the Truth
Book #3 - A book published before you were born - A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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